Monday, January 25, 2016


I'm slowly getting to updating everything, including this blog.  The feed now is posted under the store news sections of the main site.

The biggest news is the updated look of the site. It's designed to be easier to get around and of course, nicer to look at! I'm back posting on The Floss Box's Facebook page regularly, and I've returned to using my old Floss Box blog once again. It turned out to be entirely too much work to maintain my own hosted blog. (Simple is always a good solution).

I've released updated versions of biscornu 1-299 with improved designs and all patterns now have a coordinating design for the lower part.
These are just a few examples. Visit the biscornu patterns to see the rest.

Also, the free patterns page now is live again! There will be more added in time, and there will be a rotation of designs, so don't wait to download them, if you want them!

This is all just a start on updates and changes. I will post more as I go along, so stay tuned!